Build it and they will come doesn’t work when it comes to websites, so here are 4 ways to improve the performance of your website…and help build your audience.
1. SEO – search engine optimisation
From page titles to the use of header tags – there are lots of search engine optimisation (SEO) measures you can take to maximise your site’s performance in search engines. These are critical to ensuring your site gets seen for key words and phrases. There are plugins available for WordPress, such as RankMath, which allow you to automate much of the SEO a website owner can do on their site.
It’s not enough just to optimise your web pages. You need to optimise your server as well. With the right server and set-up your site could see a significant improvement in its performance, in large part by ensuring pages load faster, which is important in the eyes of the search engines and visitors alike. Again, there are plugins available to help you tap into server-based functionality – particularly around caching – such as LiteSpeed and Super Cache, but take a look at my article on ‘5 Things to help you choose the best website hosting‘
3. UX – user experience
It’s important your site is optimised for your users – not just page loading speeds, but also in terms of its presentation, layout and structure. It’s also important to ensure everything functions as it should – such as resolving broken links and redirecting old pages and URLs to new ones. Anyone visiting your site should be able to access what they need and want with ease, and given the best experience possible. A critical aspect of building and maintaining a website is therefore knowing who your audience is, and understanding the needs of those you are trying to target.
4. GOOGLE ANALYTICS – measuring site usage
Keeping a site optimised is a task without end. Integrating Google Analytics allows you to understand how your site is being used, where visitors come from, and how marketing campaigns and posts perform. It’s a vital tool for helping you refine both your site – in particular to cater for your target audiences – and your online marketing strategy. Google Analytics is free to use, and it’s also worth using Google Search Console.
There are of course many more things to consider, but taking care of these 4 aspects of your website will help you be seen by more people, and hopefully more of the kind of people you want to engage.
I offer FREE consultations each week for people experiencing issues and challenges with their websites. If it’s something I think you can sort out easily yourself, I’ll point you in the right direction. Otherwise, we can discuss a route forward by working together.
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Every Monday and Friday I offer Website Surgeries – free consultations to help you with any challenges you’re having with your website – whether existing or a work in progress.